Sunday, April 12

i went for a job interview on 4th ofApril. Shirley accompanied me to Ampang. she's such a great fren.

after the interview, i forgot to take back my driving license from the guard cause i had to exchange it for a visitor pass. belum mula kerja sudah cause problems. teruk la me. @_@

we took these few pics in KLCC. it's just 10 mins away from my interview place.
i treat her Pizza for dinner. haha. just felt so bad i had her waited at the GE lobby for nearly 2 hours. good thing there is a GE mall next to the building. i didnt know the interview would drag till 2 hours. i took some pics of the interview room. but the rules inside the building does not allow anyone to publish any pics or details from inside. sadly.

i tell u, when i was at the waiting room waiting for my turn to go in, i did some funny n sampat stuff, as usual. haha. i told yc abt it through phone n she kept laughing at my "sampat" actions. haha. really ma... i was really nervous that time, somemore with another handsome guy beside me also waiting for his turn. but thank God, an indian guy suddenly muncul n sat beside me. i smiled n we started to chit chat a little. he is a funny guy too. he made me laugh laugh n he studied in a college in butterworth before too. it was a pleasant conversation. im glad god sent him there, at least to make me feel more relax and also not to do some stupid stuff, like turning on the pc accidentally. phew ! luckily no one saw n i managed to switch it off fast.

my fren said i looked so tall that day. lol. haha. shirley is a really tall girl. waist down looks long cos of my heels. hehe. i bought this whole suit for interview the day before nia. wat a rush i tell u. like orang gila only. my whole body, from top to toe, costs so so much, just for tht interview. bangkrupt me!


both heels are really nice la. just dont know which to choose! so i chose according to the price. hehe.

i bought this heels for the interview. hahah. it's 20 bucks cheaper than the one in Nose. but from wat i see, the Nose's heels are more comfortable. this heels are really too high. it really kills my legs.

anyway, im gona really miss my family back in penang. aih. im really stuck n torn in between. just hope things will turn out fine. it was seriously a tough decision for me to make. but many of my relatives encouraged me to give the job a try first. the person im gona miss most is my lil brother. i cant believe i actually cried when i was offered the job. the first thought tht came into my mind was tht i wont be goin home as often as when i was studyin in uni. things are goin to be very different now. somehow i really wish my fam can move to kl n stay with me. but that is way too impossible for now. everything that happened are totally unexpected. and too fast too. since God has prepared this path for me to follow, i shall try it and see how things turn out.

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